The Longest 5 Minutes You'll Ever Experience

Tuesday, June 23, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

People always talk about how time flies when they're having fun.
They also talk about how time seems to slow down when they're not.
But what I've never heard people talk about is,
how time seems to go even slower when working out.

If you've been following me on either Instagram or Facebook,
you might have a vague idea about my attempt to exercise.
And if you read my photo captions, you may or may not recall me mentioning
working out for only 5 minutes but sweating like a pig.

I'm serious guys, I only workout 5 minutes a day;
and this here is what I do:

This is a quick and easy 5-minute routine meant to warm up the body
for other cardio workouts that Cassey (aka. Blogilates) came up with.
(The routine consists of 10 moves that lasts 30 seconds each.)

The reason I picked this workout/warm up was because it said 5 Minutes.
I thought, "Come on, it's just 5 minutes. Easy-peasy."

Boy, was I wrong.

That five minutes felt more like fifteen minutes.
Those 30 seconds felt like it was never going to end.

By the end of the routine, I was sweating like crazy and my muscles were so sore!!
And I couldn't believe that everything happened in only 5 minutes.
I never imagined that it was possible that so much can happen in only 5 minutes!

Those 5 minutes spent doing the warm-up for the first time
(in a whole lifetime of never working out)
was definitely the longest 5 minutes I've ever experienced.

You might be thinking, "JUST five minutes??"
But if you're anything like me, try this, and you will rethink what you just thought.

I've been diligently doing this warm up every morning for almost a month now, and it feels great.
As the days went by, the super long 5-minute period slowly shortens back to how a normal 5-minute period feels like. ;)

Now I'm also trying to this other 5-minutes workout into my routine:

Despite the fact that it's also only five minutes long,
this one is another story entirely.

There are 5 moves that lasts 50 seconds each,
then there's a 10 seconds break between each move.

My 5-minutes are, again, inexplicably extended while attempting to complete this workout.
I only do this workout during the weekends and on days that I wake up early enough for the extra 5.

After about 5 times of trying this routine out, the five minutes still feel as long,
and I still can't complete the whole thing though. So I still need to work on that. ;(

And this is pretty much it for my so-called "workout routine" :P

How bout you, do you workout? Got any favorite workout routines?
Do share! I'd love to check it out. :3

Until next time,

PS. Expect to see some interesting reviews coming real soon from my awesome contributor, NubbMiszy. I myself am also working on a haul, review, and travel diary, so be sure to subscribe to both this blog and my Youtube channel, or follow my Facebook page to get updates about everything melonyzz, if you don't wanna miss out on all these fun stuff. ;)
Valerie Yeung

Valerie Yeung