Meet Miszy

Sunday, June 07, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Ever heard of the saying: "Two heads are better than one"?
Or the song "Two Is Better Than One"?

Yes, I know they're irrelevant to each other.
But for some unknown reason, whenever I hear or think of that idiom,
the jukebox in my head automatically plays that song.

And does any of this have anything to do with today's post?
Well, actually, yes. 

Today, I'd like to officially introduce you all to the second "head" on this blog:

aka. The Awesome

Miszy Melonyzz in the flesh. ;)

FYI, that title was self-proclaimed by herself.
If if were me? I'd call her "The BFF".
Or "The Pink".

NubbMiszy "The BFF"

One fateful day when we were both in 8th grade,
I was very upset about something and so I stormed into the computer lab
where Miszy was typing away or something, I don't remember anymore,
but then I sat beside her and then I ranted about what had upset me.
And then, just like that, we became friends.

Fun fact: Before that day, we've actually never, ever spoken to each other before. Destiny, much?

I just did some calculations and just realized that it was 2005 back then,
which means this year (2015) is our 10th friend-niversary!

How did Miszy come aboard?

Long story short: We went shopping when she came over.
Then we met a really nice and helpful BA in Mac,
which made both of us want to get something from there.

Problem was I had just splurged on some skincare products earlier
(I'll blog about that some time later this week, I promise).

But Miszy had some shopping to do from Mac,
so she got herself some new Mac goodies.

After she went back to Bangkok,
we were talking about my blog and how it's usually not updated.
And then I asked her if she'd be interested in guest writing on my blog.
And then she kinda refused.. still hesitant.
And then we continued talking.
And then she suggested I should blog about the nice BA.
And then I said I would, but I forgot to snap a few photos of the things she got,
so I couldn't technically write a haul post on it.
And then she said she'll take the photos for me.
And then I said it would be even better if she wrote the post herself.
(since she's the one who did the actual buying after all)
And then she agreed.

And now, she's probably working on her first post.

Fun fact: We actually made a blog together many, many years ago. But both of us ended up never updating it.

Get a glimpse of Miszy

When I asked her to write a 5-sentence paragraph introducing herself,
this is what she gave me:
Umm, yea.. I'm not so sure I'm as excited about having her here now..

Anyway, being the great friend that I am,
I'll do the honor of introducing 5 basic facts about her:

NubbMiszy is..
  1. in pink 99.9% of the time.
  2. tiny. She weighs about 10 kg less than Melonyzz (aka. me).
  3. tan. She's a Mac NC35/Lightful NC40
  4. blessed with normal skin. Sometimes a combination of dry/normal.
  5. a splurger. Most of the time.
So you can definitely expect reviews of higher-end products from her.
Whereas me?  I like to stick to the lower end, affordable, drugstore beauty buys. ;)

That's it about her from me.
But don't worry, you'll be hearing more from her
as she helps me keep this blog alive.

Melonyzz signing off,


PS. Here's  the song I was talking about:

Valerie Yeung

Valerie Yeung