Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined

Sunday, October 18, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

I recently found out that Stephanie Meyer released a new book. Yes, the Stephanie Meyer who wrote Twilight, THE Twilight (with the ever dreaming Edward Cullen).  This wouldn't be an exciting news if this were just any other book (like The Host-the book that she published after the Twilight saga, which to be honest is not that good) I mean, she's an author after all, writing book is practically her job.  So what is the big deal about this book? This book is within our beloved Twilight saga world!!  The thing is, apparently, 2015 is the 10 years anniversary of Twilight [can you believe its been 10 years-where has all the time go?]. So in honor of this 10 years anniversary Stephanie Meyer present us with "Life and Death".

Life and Death is a "classic" story of Twilight but instead of Edward and Bella, we have Beau and Edythe.  It is a reimagine where the characters' genders are reverse.  The story will be told through the eyes of a human teenage boy (Beau) who fell in love with a female vampire (Edythe). 

When I first head about the news, I was excited. I LOVE Twilight, I finish the book in a day and Edward Cullen is my perfect dream boyfriend! But as the idea sink in, I'm starting to have a doubt about the concept of this book.  If Bella turned into a boy, I wouldn't really like him. And if there is no one to drool on, what is the point of Twilight?  Let us all be serious for a split second and go back to the basic plot of Twilight.  Twilight is practically a book about a girl who moved to a new town and fell in love with a vampire. The only thing special about Twilight is Edward Cullen.  So if we change Edward to a girl and Bella to a boy then there is no one to fantasize about.  

Starting the book, I thought it wasn't so bad.  But as half a chapter gone by I'm starting to feel that doubt about the concept again.  For some reason, I just don't buy it. To me it just felt like re-reading Twilight in a weird perspective.  Maybe, its the fact that I'm so used to the Twilight plot and gender twisting is just not enough of a twist for me to hold my interest. I start comparing this book to the original Twilight and I just felt like it does not hold the same magic as before.  

With just a few sentences above, I know I don't sound like I like the book.  But really its not terrible but as the same time its not amazing either.  But will I continue and finish the book? YES! Will it be within a day or two? No.  But then again, I'm only about 25% in the book. Maybe it will get better.

Does the idea of gender-swap sounds interesting to you? Or do you think Stephanie Meyer need to get over the Twilight idea and just move on? Leave me a comment below and tell me what you think of the Twilight reimagined.  

PS: If the book gets exciting after this, I will come back and change my verdict.  If not, we'll leave it as that.

Until next time,

