5 Minute Makeup Challenge

Wednesday, August 19, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

I know there are a lot of you out there thinking, "Pssh, I put my makeup on in less than 5 minutes everyday. Easy-Peasy." But girl, did you know that I usually that 5 minutes to apply just my base makeup? Sometimes even longer than 5 minutes if I really want to get in there and blend it all in as flawlessly as I'm able to (which, FYI, isn't that flawless anyway because I'm still a makeup newbie, despite having a "beauty" channel XD)

With that said, you can probably imagine how putting on a full-face makeup within this time limit can be a very big feat for me Nonetheless, I gave it a try, and I personally think I did an okay job. But, you know, I may be biased (duh! LOL), so you tell me! ;)

Products Used (in order of appearance):

  • Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer in #1 Fair
  • L'Oreal Lucent Magique Cushion Lumiere in #R2 Rose Miracle
  • 1028 Super Oil Control Powder
  • Etude House Drawing Eye Brow Pencil in #2 Dark Brown
  • Wet'n'Wild Eyeshadow Trio in Walking On Eggshells
  • Clio Gelpresso Eyeliner in Gold Black
  • Tarte Amazonian Clay Blush in Dollface
  • Revlon Lip Butter in Sweet Tart
Valerie Yeung

Valerie Yeung