New-found Feature

Monday, May 25, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hello, hello! 

If you've been to before, you'd probably notice that it's got a makeover.
If you're new then.. well, I wanted to let you know I spent hours customizing this template!
I'm so proud I turned it purple but I gotta be honest and say I'm not yet 100% satisfied with the outcome
But let's leave the ranting for another day, because today, I'll be sharing about a new feature I just found out about literally seconds ago.

Grandpa and I, the two monkeys. ;)

You'd probably be thinking what has a collage of my selfie with my grandpa got to do with today's post? Well, allow me to enlighten you:
I did not make this collage myself, Google's Auto Photo-thing-a-ma-gik did.

So here's the story:
I'm typing away on the computer at work (shh! don't tell my boss) on a public holiday.
(Yup, you read it correctly, today's a public holiday, yet I am at work. 
I'll tell you about it some other day).
And remember I told you I spent hours customizing this template?
Well, because I was so excited about my blog's "new haircut"
I wanted to fill it up with as many posts as possible.
And since I'm it's not busy at work today
(duh! no body else is working! hence I have nothing to do at work),
I decided why not blog? I'm feeling very productive today
(despite my meager 4 hours of sleep, or less, last night from customizing this very blog)
because I also just finished editing a video during lunch break (stay tuned for it on my channel).

melonyzz bus selfie gif
Guess what, Google also automatically makes GIFs!
And so here I am now, shamelessly posting selfies on my blog.
Notice how I said post, not upload. Well, that's because these photos are already in the web.
Google already did the uploading part for me.

Now I can easily share my adventures,
and 'food-ventures' with you all.

Deep Fried Mango Spring Roll with Mango Sabayan
Deep Fried Mango Spring Roll with Mango Sabayan from Happy Together dessert shop in TST.

Gahh, my stomach is starting to grumble just looking at this!

Anyways, you can expect to see more lifestyle posts from me here now.
Yay! Or nay?
Valerie Yeung

Valerie Yeung